Category: Embryo Adoption #1

Transfer day & BIG news!

Today was our transfer day and we got some very unexpected news. Watch the video below to find out more.

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“Such a time as this”

Yesterday was our final check at our clinic, before the transfer. The moment we sat down in the exam room, it all started to hit me. The gravity of this journey ahead. Honestly, I’ve been so busy with dance and our recital, as well as just the normal craziness of summer, I haven’t had time…

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If you’d like an update of where we are with our transfer, here’s a little video to clue you in. As our big day edges closer, we are beginning to not only prepare my body, but our hearts and family for this new adventure as well. It will be a big change! Especially for Nelly….

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Something exciting is happening soon!!

We are so excited to share this announcement with you… For those that don’t know, when we adopted our embryos, we adopted 3 embryos from the same family. So Nelly was the first embryo from that sibling group. Now that you’ve heard the news, I figured I’d share a little bit about WHY we share…

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Well this is four months past due, but our baby girl is here! Nelly was born at home on October 24th at 11:04pm, 6lb 9oz and 20″ long. We are happy, healthy and settling in! Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to blogging in the near future, but for now….Just know that we are…

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I feel you…

Well I’m a little more than 25 weeks now and I feel our little one move pretty constantly, especially at night. You can see some fun videos on our youtube channel of her moving. She is quite the dancer! 😉 I often stop and tell her, “I feel you moving!” Just so she knows I’m…

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It’s a….

Most of our friends and family know this already, but for the others that are just following along on our journey, I thought I’d post an update. We are doing very good! The first trimester was horribly hard. I was sick around the clock. And not just nauseous, but I throwing up whether I ate…

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Forever Mom

I haven’t written in a while, mostly because we were doing updates through videos, but today needs to be written. Mainly because I probably wouldn’t get through a video without crying. lol. So here and there, over the last few months, Cady has said a few things about the baby and her growing in my…

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This week

I’m not gonna lie, this week has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through. We went from thinking we were losing our baby on Tuesday (but praise God He did a miracle and the baby is good) to me being sick all day, every day. I’ve dealt with so much…

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Faith over fear

It’s quiet. Really quite in my house. My hubby took Cady to my mom’s so I could rest a bit more. So that means it’s just me and little bean right now. I just finished watching our transfer video and explaining to little bean how that was the first time we met. 😀 I know…

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