“You are foolish to post your pregnancy publicly so early.”
Yep! That’s the message I woke up to this morning. 🤦♀️ And that’s why your seeing these two precious lines. What amazes me is that this message is not coming from a place of care and concern for me. It’s a comment coming from a place of fear, shame and darkness. At least in my humble opinion. Yes, I choose to celebrate this life I carry in my womb, every single moment of it. Just like I celebrated the twins. And even though I lost them…I don’t regret it at all. God us blessed us with this little bean and I will declare His good works! There’s nothing “foolish” about celebrating life and allowing others to celebrate with you.
The definition of “foolish” according to Webster’s dictionary is having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion.
So maybe this person is right. I might not have any “discretion” because I’m not going to be quiet. Because no matter what, I will celebrate and praise God for what He has done and will do. Reminds me of that old song..”Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done…” 😁 I don’t condemn those who choose to wait to make their news public in these situations. That’s their decision and their journey. But for me, I am choosing to be vocal about the journey God has us on, no matter how beautiful or ugly it may be at times. Because it’s all for His glory and to turn others to Him. 🙌
And here’s the thing this person just doesn’t know, that they just don’t quite get….we have been on a heck of a journey, just to get to this place. We’ve been through our ups and downs and I don’t for a minute feel bad about letting others travel on it with us.
So I’ll shout it from the rooftops what God is doing, and I will ALWAYS speak BY FAITH. I will not dwell on what “could be” and the “what ifs”. I will set my mind on things above and take every thought captive. I will let no unwholesome speech come from my mouth, especially concerning the life of my child. I will declare LIFE over my child and celebrate publicly this precious gift we’ve been given. I don’t do it to boast in anything we’ve done because we can do nothing. It’s all God. 👆 He is holding us in the hard times and He is there celebrating in the good. He is a good God! Don’t ever let others quiet your joy because of fear. Don’t let the enemy try to steal your joy by making you feel “foolish”. These two little lines deserve some shouting. It took quite a journey to see them. Happy Tuesday friends! 😘