As we near our transfer, I find myself looking back over the years and relieving the many miraculous blessings God has poured out upon our family. One is the adoption of our oldest daughter, Cady, from Taiwan almost 10 years ago. When we adopted her, we documented the journey as well, but it was a different blog that we can’t access anymore so I thought it would be fun to upload some of those videos to this blog. I’m starting with the one from when we first met. ❤️
We had waited and prayed for almost 9 years when we met our sweet baby girl for the first time. There was nothing like finally holding that precious answer to our prayers. The “child we had prayed for”. She fit so perfectly against my heart, as if she had always been there. She was the missing puzzle piece. The story surrounding her adoption is not mine to share publicly, but I can tell you that it is laced with the hand of God. There are so many intricately woven moments that speak to God’s perfect timing and His sovereign hand upon her life, and ours. It cannot be denied that she was meant to be “ours”. As you watch this video, I hope you are reminded that God hears each prayer, and feels each moment of desperation as we cry out for an answer. He is always faithful. He may choose to write the story of your life differently than you would, but you can rest assured that He is the GREATEST author. He sees the beginning to the end. He can be trusted with your deepest desires because He holds them dear as well. Blessings, my friends.