Alright, I’m just going to be real here…we need your prayers!!! As I have mentioned before, I don’t like talking about money AT ALL, but I know what the power of prayer can do! SO I’m being vulnerable here and asking for some serious prayers for the funds needed for our adoption! We are very close to finishing our homestudy, which means we move into a new phase of our adoption and another big chunk of the adoption fees (about $3600). You may have seen already, but the total cost of our adoption is around $15,000. So far, after saving up, a generous donation and selling some things, we still have about $10,000 to raise. We are still cutting back, saving and selling what we can, but we need a big miracle to come through so will you please PRAY WITH US!?

In addition to praying, here are some ways you can help:

Go like and share our facebook page here!

We have an online auction that we are doing August 4th-6th. The more people like and share our page, the more interest we will have when it comes time for our auction. And if you (or someone you know) feels like there is something you can donate to this, we welcome any donated items! We are believing for this auction to help us raise quite a bit! I know you may be thinking there is nothing you can donate, but let me give you some ideas….

Do you like to bake? Can you crochet or knit? Do you have a knack for re-purposing or reinventing items for a new, trendy purpose? Maybe you have a business that you can donate services for? Donated items can be anything and you can live ANYWHERE. That’s the great thing about this auction. You don’t have to be local and it won’t cost you anything. In fact, if you have a business, our hope is that it will bring you more business! If you are interested in getting more information about how the auction works, please let us know!

Also, if you or someone you know wants to donate monetarily to our adoption, that can be done through our YouCaring account.

Before I let you go, let me just break down a few numbers for y’all to think about. My husband and I have 1,573 Facebook friends (excluding mutual friends). That’s a lot of friends! So that means that if only 10 friends out of over 1,500 friends gave $1000 each, we could have the rest of the funds for our adoption raised! Or check this out, it would only take 50 friends giving $200 each OR 100 friends giving $100 each and that’d be it! So out of over 1500 friends, that seems pretty doable right?!